Being a freelance writer doesn’t mean you stop learning about your craft. Always take time to discover more information when you can. Time spent doing extra homework will only improve your knowledge and sharpen your skills.
How can you be the best writer you can be? Set goals to continuously improve on a variety of tasks and watch your freelance writing repertoire grow immensely.
For the time being, forget your niche. Discover as much as you can take in about a variety of topics. Why learn about topics you are not interested in? It is important to learn about a broad range of subjects to have well-rounded knowledge. Think about post-secondary education. When you attend college or university, there is a requirement to fulfill a range of subjects to complement your major. No one gets a degree without having some understanding beyond their primary focus.
Imagine that you are a fashion writer, but you have discovered some insight into the world of basketball and live theatre. You have given yourself the ability to write on topics that may have before been out of your wheelhouse. You are giving yourself the opportunity to work with a range of clients on many different tasks.
Read Other Writers’ Blogs
- Viewing the Pros and Cons
Look at several company websites that are trusted sources of information. Once you have done this, you can browse several lesser-known and untrustworthy web pages. Compare the content between both types of websites. You will start to notice the tones, styles, and topics that work, and which don’t. This will help you when creating your own blogs for you can use this as your guide.
Randomly searching websites will also help you discover what Google likes and doesn’t based on where each website ranks on the search pages. Positive SEO is never a bad thing so make sure you try to write for both Google and your target market.
- Looking for More Clients?
Are you constantly browsing the web to see who is hiring for a freelance writer? Instead of just writing a standard e-mail pitch to companies you are interested in working with, discover who they truly are and their style of writing. How can you do this? Well, you have already started by reading their blog posts. These will give you lots of insight into companies’ personalities.
Every business has its own tone of voice and style of writing. When pitching your services, find a way to mesh with these two things while inputting your unique flair.

Take Courses
Whether free or paid, courses are a great way to hone your skills and advance your understanding of the topics you choose. There are so many great online learning options. In-class courses also provide a huge benefit as you not only gain knowledge but there are several networking opportunities with other learners who can become potential collaborators or business partners.
Classes give you the chance to explore subjects first-hand, allowing you to put into action what you are learning. Assignments and workshops teach you through simulated real-world applications.
Some great courses I have benefited from are offered through Hubspot, Mount Royal University, and Google Digital Garage. Check out these websites to find up to date, relevant information.
Books open your mind to a world of endless possibilities. Whether you choose fiction or non-fiction, there is something new to discover each day. Reading great books increases your vocabulary, introduces you to new styles of writing, and offers both factual information and creative messaging. There is also something so great about just holding a book and that feeling you get as you flip each page filled with seemingly endless text. As you read on, you feel even more accomplished and you truly are.
Authors who are experts in your field can give you great advice. You will learn new ways to present your writing and at the very least you will have accomplished your goal of reading something you set out to. Another bonus is that entertainment often comes from reading and who doesn’t want to be entertained?
Get ready. Now is your chance to take that extra step towards growing your freelance writing business with confidence and expanding your clientele. You can take on the world, you just need to start taking the right steps to get there!