I thought I should let you know a little bit more about me…
Part Freelance Writer, Part Rebel, and Some Other Parts.
The Rebel Part
Ever since I was little, I have always been a bit of a rebel. I would do things my way even if it meant going the route less travelled because I believe this is the best path in life, the path that inspires thought.
When I go on hikes, I always take the less popular trail and often go where signs that say “keep on the path” forebode me to, just to prove there is a world beyond my comfort zone. I have discovered ice caves, hidden waterfalls, coloured pebbles, and am inspired to write about all the wild beauty I uncover.
My path on this rebellious journey has not always been easy, but it has led me to where I am today. By taking the path I wanted no matter what others thought, I have accomplished a lot. School days were definitely not the best years of my life, but I created a unique path, choosing to study languages and the arts to pave the way to my future.
With an English degree in hand and a gift for thinking creatively, I have written many stories, both published and unpublished. Yes, this is a gift, and yes, much good comes with an English degree, though an arts degree is often mocked.
As a writer, taking a stance for what I believe helps evoke the emotion and power needed to deliver a message. My opinions may come off strong at times, but this is who I am, a strong woman. Writing often means rebelling against the norm, but that’s ok because creating a story is like creating a unique piece of art. There are no forgeries here.

You might wonder…
How Did I Know I Wanted to Be A Writer?
Writing has always been a part of me. It lets me express who I am, is an outlet for my thoughts and emotions – an outlet for my weird mind. Everything fits into its place when my words come scribbling out onto a page. As a young child, when my stories got longer, my handwriting got smaller to allow all the thoughts to jump from my head onto paper.
Writing is my form of meditation. It’s my way to express ambiguous thoughts and always be myself. I have written hundreds of poems and stories dating back to when I was a little girl. My mind is always thinking, always on the run, so I know writing is what I am meant to do.
I discovered Freelance Writing as a way to get other peoples’ stories across, to help them find their path with words that may be unfamiliar to them. I help breathe life into their thoughts by understanding their journey and connecting with their vision.
I am a writer, a rebel, an artist, and a creator. All my parts make up my story. I hope I can discover each of your stories to create a positive impact together.