Blogging for business is about writing for your customer so the very first thing to do is come up with topics based on your client.
- Ask Your Client Questions
Have a list of prepared questions about your customer’s business and sit down with them to discuss. If you don’t have time to meet them in person, set up a phone or video call to go over your questions.
This preparation will help immensely when it comes to blogging for your new client. How? You will be able to find out details such as what the business goal is, motto, and personality behind the company. What are some great questions to ask?
- What is the outcome you are hoping for with the blogs?
- How do you want others to view your business?
- What makes your business stand out against others of a similar type?
Key details like these help your writing pinpoint the company’s target market. Not only will your writing be concretely detailed but your client will smile, knowing you are blogging in a style that suits their end goal.
2. Research
Without research, your blog can come off as a fluff-filled read. Remember to scour for reliable sources that will make your blog filled with valid content that is backed up with links. How do you find good references for your work? Use sources from the internet or in books, wherever you can get your hand on legitimate information pertaining to the topic you are writing about and take quotes from there.

What if you are given a topic to write on that you know nothing about? Researching the subject will help you come up with enough facts to write on. Reading other people’s blogs on a particular area will also help spark ideas for your blog. Just remember to never copy another’s work as this is plagiarism.
3. Brainstorm
Look inside your brain and you just might discover a great idea that is hidden deep within your mind. Grab a piece of paper and write down everything that comes to you about the general topic you are taking on.
You might need to write on something about Calgary. What do you think of when you think of this city? You might jot down Calgary Tower, Calgary Stampede, or even something a bit goofier like the word “sorry” since Calgarians tend to say sorry for everything.
You are already coming up with a storm of ideas for your blog and these are all terrific places to start. Your topic might be:
- What Makes the Calgary Tower A Must-See Tourist Attraction
- Why You Should Go to Calgary for the Stampede
- The Kindness Behind Calgarians
See how a few words can really get your blogging going?
Remember, you can do this. Thinking up blog topics for your new customers is easier than you think; like anything, you just have to put effort into it. Now, get writing. 😉