Blogging can be lots of fun or torturous if you don’t know what you are doing. There are several steps to follow when creating a blog that speaks to your target audience. As the writer, you get to create a story that is interesting and unique along with pairing some great images to go along with them.
So, how do you go about writing a great blog? Here are 3 tips to follow that will get you on the right path.

- Create Unique Content
When writing about a topic, it is important to have a unique perspective. You will almost always find blogs published about a similar subject, but it is up to you as a writer to challenge the status quo. Try a quick Google search to see if you can find blogs written on your subject then look for ways to share more detail or write from a different point of view. Your topic will be intriguing to read if you are controversial or dig up some interesting facts yet to be uncovered.

2. Answer Questions
Get to know what your audience is interested in discovering. Searching for random terms like “fashion” will give you a selection of auto-filled suggestions from your search engine like “fashion tips for men” or “latest fashion trends”. The top-ranking phrases are what is being searched for by the majority of people. If you choose to write on this topic, you will be writing for a large audience.
Further yet, take time to listen to what people are talking about on social media and web forums. When writing your blog, answer the questions you come across during your search. Grabbing the attention of your audience is a must if you want them to engage with your work.
Ask yourself what you find interesting about your topic. If it is interesting to you then it will most likely be interesting to others. You are not only a writer but a reader too.

3. Image Happy
Get even more creative with your blog by adding images to stimulate a visual connection for the readers. Images grab readers’ attention, drawing them into your writing before they start reading. A header image should show what your writing is going to be about so that the readers have an indication of the content. Placing at least 1 image per 150 words breaks up the written portion, making your piece reader-friendly and fun to look at.
Make sure the images you choose coincide with the specific context within your blog. Try to curate your own images to make them stand out against stock photos.
Pay attention to all the little things to make your blog pop and get noticed.