As a freelance writer, you might be making mistakes that could cost you business. Do you want to rectify this situation but are unsure how? Here are 3 of the most common mistakes Freelance Writers make and how to avoid them. You might just realize you are guilty of one or all of these errors just in time to correct the situation.
- Zero Customer Service
Are you thinking “Customer service, but I don’t sell items in a clothing store or have a coffee shop?” While you may not have a storefront where people can come see you, customer service is still something you need to pay attention to. What does this entail in the freelance world?
- Make sure your clients are happy with your service by giving them follow-up calls or e-mails
- Communicate with your prospective and current clients even if it’s just to see how they are doing
- If you receive negative feedback, make sure to reply in the friendliest manner and as soon as possible. Handling complaints respectfully and quickly allows you to work through any problems and prevent future ones.
- Be honest
*Bonus: People like feeling important. Sending a Birthday card or thank you note to your client is an example of a nice personal touch. Making your client happy puts a positive reflection on your business
Do you do any of these things? If not, now might be the time to focus on improving your clients’ experience.
2. No Contract
Did you forget to make or sign a contract when agreeing to do a project for someone? Maybe you just thought this step could be skipped. Wrong! Having a written contract in place is essential to safeguard you against someone coming back and saying they did not agree to certain terms. A contract provides you with a paper trail of the work, timeframe, and price agreed on.
Contracts contain clearly written instructions of the terms of a project. They are great for referencing if you have forgotten the specifics of the job you are performing. Make your contract as detailed as possible to avoid any misunderstanding at a later date. What should go into a contract?
- Deadline Dates
- Rate of Pay
- Terms of the Project including what will be accomplished
- How the project is to be submitted (via e-mail, mail, or shared in a google document)
- Names of both parties involved
Are you worried a contract will make you seem too formal when you want to give off a relaxed vibe? Don’t worry, if someone legitimately wants you to do work for them, they will understand the needs for a contract and have no problem signing it. If they avoid this signed document, then they might not be worthy to enter into business with.
3. CRM? What’s That?
Without organization, you are setting yourself up for failure. Why? If you don’t remember who you have spoken to, what is happening at each stage with a client, and where your correspondence is then you may find yourself completely upside down. Do your projects seem a bit unclear? This is what it feels like when your business is turned upside down. A customer relationship management (CRM) system helps you keep track of all your clients, contacts, and projects in one place.

There are tons of great resources to help you keep track of where everything is such as Hubspot which offers a FREE CRM. You don’t want to be answering your phone, unsure who is calling and what project they are referencing so get a CRM today then everything will be at the tip of your fingers.
Going through these 3 steps when working for yourself will substantially help you in your new or current business ventures. You will breathe easy knowing you are on the path to success.